
WordPress 2 is go

Some of you may know that this heap runs on open source software called wordpress. Well the latest version has just been released and while i’m not going to be upgrading the site just yet. Well at least not until ive tested my custom plugins with the new version. You might want to check it […]


First Post (of 2006)

There may be some people out there in the blogging community who posted at exactly midnight but to be honest I could barely stand up, let alone use a computer so it was probably best that I didn’t. New Years Resolutions Now really if youre going to do something, do it! don’t wait for a […]


Making Scouts Shine – Gloucester Gangshow 2006

2 megawatts of electricity, 65 theatrical lanterns, 300 metres of TRS , 100 square metres of coloured gel, five people, and a week of limted sleeping. Put All that lot together and you get the Gloucester Gangshow lighting crew. It seems like it wasn’t that long ago, (9 months in fact) when I packed everything […]


Fire Up The Snowplough II

This is the remaining snow after the night when traffic was halted by extreme weather


Fire Up The Snowplough

Yep it’s started snowing, people have already abandoned their cars, and slid into lamp posts etc. I cycled home, it took two hours but I cycled. The reason for the immense time frame was due to the stupid motorists.