Last year I applied to the UK Scout association to lead the UK contingent to the World Scout Moot in Canada during 2013. Completing the application form seemed to take ages, the preparation for the interview took days and days. In the end it was not to be and I was informed I had not been successful by the UK International Commissioner Nigel Hailey.
Now the appointed contingent leader has started advertising for contingent management team members and I’ve started filling out an application form. I’m not sure if I’m crazy or not but my good friend John from the Birmingham Jamboree unit is applying and the chance to work on another big international project with John is something I quite fancy a chance at.  Here goes and hopefully I’ll be off to Canada next year.
PS. In BirmingJAM news the unit members are plotting to go to BrumJAM 2012 for a summer reunion and the youngsters are driving the process, which is great as most of their leaders are on various organising teams involved.